How I started
After graduating in Lingue e Letterature Straniere (Foreign Languages and Literature) at the Università Statale di Milano, I decided to follow my passion by facing and overcoming the selections of the Rai/Script Corso per Sceneggiatori (Screenwriters Course), which introduced me to the wonderful world of writing for the small and big screen. Subsequently I graduated from the Sceneggiatura e Produzione Creativa (Screenwriting and Creative Production) course of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia (CSC)-Scuola Nazionale di Cinema.
I have been active for more than ten years in the Italian and international television panorama, yet my debut as an author took place in 2010 with the publication of my novel Un sogno di torta fritta e marzapane (A dream of fried cake and marzipan) by Sperling & Kupfer. In that period I also wrote short commentary and analysis essays on specific topics relating to Italian fiction published in various issues of ZONE (Rai Eri).
I started working as a screenwriter almost simultaneously with some short-coms for Mediaset (among others, Cosi fan tutte and Camera Cafè), a short film and a docu-fiction about the Milanese artistic and cultural heritage, produced by the CSC.
In the world of kids' series
The opportunity to enter this field as a screenwriter presented itself in 2012 with the sit-com In Tour, broadcast by Disney Channel.
I continued with Alex & Co., a worldwide successful series distributed in fifty countries, of which I was head writer. This production was winner of the Pulcinella Award in 2016.
Also for Disney, I created and wrote the Penny on M.A.R.S. series, filmed in English and currently on the Disney+ platform.
My career and long experience have made me a point of reference in the sector. I collaborate with various production companies in the development of new projects and as a scriptwriter for series. In 2021 Halloweird was released, broadcast on Rai Gulp, and in 2023 Le Cronache di Nanaria, of which I am the creator and author, also for Rai Ragazzi, and the third season of Unlockdown for DeA Kids have been released.
The cinema
I recently also landed in the cinema with two films for kids: Charlotte M. – Flamingo Party, of which I wrote the subject and screenplay (released on December 31, 2022) and Il Viaggio Leggendario, based on the best seller by DinsiemE, in cinemas from March 23, 2023.
More TV adventures
Meanwhile, I also continued to cultivate comedy writing. I started another sitcom (Love Snack), and I was the author of Saturday Night Live on TV8.
My forays into TV entertainment have ranged from makeovers to cooking to The Real Housewives of Naples reality show.